Thursday, July 16, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Jackson and Karly started swimming lessons Monday! Karly went Monday and Tuesday fine, and Wednesday she cried the entire time. Come to find out she is afraid of her teacher because he is a boy! So Jackson's teacher was kind enough to combine her class with Karly's so she would go without crying. Her poor teacher was a good sport he only has two little 3 year old girls and he said, "We can't do much because neither one will let me touch them." So he helped the boys in Jacksons class! Jackson is doing great and loves the water. Karly swims and enjoys it as long as the boy teacher doesn't look at her. Maybe she will get used to him by the end of the two weeks.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Thanks for the nice comments about Abbie and me being a good mom. The feeling is mutal. You are so good with Kamrie. You amaze me everyday with your strength and your positive out look. I love you and am so glad you are my sister. I love your family so very much. I wish you lived closer, so we could spend more time together. I know your only in orem but at times that seems further than it really is.